Star Trek: Voyager reviews — season 1

Star Trek: Voyager — 1x06 — The Cloud


Voyager encounters a living nebula.

Remarkable scenes

  • Janeway's opening log entry.
  • Janeway: "There's coffee in that nebula!"
  • Neelix criticizing Janeway's exploratory nature.
  • The Doctor's appearance, startling Torres. I like how the Doctor bemoans about never being summoned for an important reason.
  • The Doctor: "A nebula? What were we doing in a nebula? No wait, don't tell me. We were 'investigating.' That's all we do around here. Why pretend we're going home at all, all we're going to do is 'investigate' every cubic millimeter of this quadrant, aren't we?"
  • Janeway's vision quest.
  • Torres tried to kill her animal guide. Why does that not surprise me? :)
  • Janeway muting the doctor and the doctor waving his hands across the viewscreen later to get attention. Hilarious!
  • Janeway's handling of Neelix' objections.
  • Voyager behind tossed about by the nebula creature.
  • The Doctor's suture suggestion.
  • Paris' holodeck characters offending the women.


This episode has a particular charm to it. There are many little details which illustrate how the crew is (or isn't) adapting to their new journey, and despite being low on resources, the episode is true to the spirit of Star Trek, for they have accidentally injured a space born alien and now they must do their moral duty and repair it. Beyond this there's not much particularly interesting about the episode, we've seen space born creatures before, though perhaps not as large, and perhaps not as well rendered in the VFX department, from strictly a conceptual standpoint the episode offers very little new material. A decent offering though.