Star Trek: Voyager reviews — season 1

Star Trek: Voyager — 1x05 — Phage


An alien race harvests Neelix's lungs.

Remarkable scenes

  • Neelix having taken over Janeway's private dining room and turning it into a galley.
  • Neelix attacked by the Vidiian.
  • The Doctor coming up with the idea of holographic lungs for Neelix.
  • The Doctor demonstrating how real holograms can be by slapping Paris. :)
  • The Doctor: "I'm a doctor, Mr. Neelix, not a decorator." Count 10 for "I'm a doctor, not a (blah)" style lines, which McCoy was famous for.
  • Tuvok: "Captain, may I suggest you consider carefully what you are about to do?" Janeway: "How do you know what I'm about to do?" Tuvok: "I could describe to you in detail the psychological observations I've made about you over the past four years which lead me to conclude you're about to take this ship inside the asteroid. But suffice it to say, I know you quite well." Janeway: "One of these days I'm gonna surprise you Tuvok. But not today."
  • Tuvok's phaser locator beam trick.
  • The Vidiians insulting the Doctor's "primitive" medical knowledge.


The first Vidiian episode is certainly interesting. It's easy to develop a certain sympathy for them; it's not their fault what's happening to them, and what else are they supposed to do to survive? This makes the episode far more serious than the similar one TOS: Spock's Brain, and much more enjoyable. Janeway's evaluation of her moral options regarding the Vidiians was quite correct and very well executed. And I like how the Vidiians were willing to help, to try and demonstrate in some small way their good faith. A pleasing episode.