Star Trek: Voyager reviews — season 1

Star Trek: Voyager — 1x14 — Faces


Torres is split into two beings.

Remarkable scenes

  • A fully Klingon Torres.
  • The Vidiian scientist with Durst's face.
  • Klingon and human Torres meeting each other.


A fantastic episode for Torres. Kind of like an extreme version of TOS: The Enemy Within, Torres' Klingon and human halves are at war with one another. We get to peek into her psyche and learn about her inner struggle. And then there's the antagonist of this episode. The Vidiian scientist's goals, to cure the phage, were certainly noble, but he had a wonderful tortured, downright sadistic quality to his character. I found it interesting that at first both human and Klingon Torres hated their human half after being separated, human Torres even hated both her halves! But toward the end they began to respect each other.