Star Trek: Voyager reviews — season 1

Star Trek: Voyager — 1x13 — Cathexis


An encounter with a nebula leaves Chakotay brain-dead.

Remarkable scenes

  • Harry Kim's mind wandering, and everyone suspecting he's possessed.
  • The Doctor briefly describing his miracle cure.


Energy life form of the week attempts to take over the ship as food. Disembodied non-corporeal Chakotay saves the day. There's really not much else to this episode except for an introduction to Janeway's new holonovel, which serves absolutely no purpose for the plot in this episode seeing as how she's interrupted and she does not return to it. We will see it again though in future episodes. What we have here is an episode which utterly fails to make a point. There's really nothing wrong with the episode if you enjoy relative pointlessness. The original series did stories like this to death and I'm not eager to revisit them on Voyager.