Star Trek: Voyager reviews — season 1

Star Trek: Voyager — 1x12 — Heroes and Demons


The Doctor goes on a holodeck away mission.

Remarkable scenes

  • Chakotay: "Every culture has its demons. They embody the darkest emotions of its people. Giving them physical form in heroic literature is a way of exploring those feelings."
  • Tuvok: "There are no demons in Vulcan literature." Chakotay: "That might account for its popularity."
  • The Doctor meeting with Freya.
  • The Doctor declaring his name "Schweitzer".
  • Freya: "All hail Schweitzer!"
  • Doctor Diplomat in the end, returning Chakotay, Tuvok, and Kim to us.


Another episode where Voyager accidentally harms a sentient life form, another energy life form of the week. Cliches notwithstanding, this is an entertaining episode. The Doctor is finally given a chance to shine beyond his medical duties. It now seems very clear that he is in fact more than just a hologram. Dr. Louis Zimmerman is to holo programming as Dr. Soong was to android construction. The Doctor is the Data of Voyager. I would have loved to have been Garrett Wang in the production of this episode. The episode was more or less all about him and he had a grand total of one scene and one line! Talk about easy money! The ending of this episode is kind of sad, the Doctor gives up the name he chose, (Albert?) Schweitzer, because he lost a holographic loved one. Maybe a little trite, but I found it rather convincing. Poor doctor!