Star Trek: The Original Series reviews — season 3

Star Trek: The Original Series — 3x21 — The Cloud Minders


Kirk is forced into negotiating peace on a planet with severe class inequities.

Remarkable scenes

  • The sight of Stratos. Some neat artwork.
  • Droxine: "I have never before met a Vulcan, sir." Spock: "Nor I a work of art, madame."
  • Droxine: "Father, are we so sure of our methods that we never question what we do?"
  • Kirk forcing Plasus and Vanna to dig in the mines.


The Ardanans and Troglytes look exactly like humans. Looks aside, these guys make poor Federation members, what with this class inequality and all. One wonders how they were ever accepted into the Federation. Fortunately, it seems the situation was largely resolved. Despite the seeming lack of consistency with a Federation member having social class issues, the episode is largely exciting and visually stunning (especially for its day). Quite a memorable original series episode.