Star Trek: The Original Series reviews — season 3

Star Trek: The Original Series — 3x20 — The Way to Eden


A charismatic leader and his followers hijack the Enterprise in their search for "Eden."

Remarkable scenes

  • Spock's careful handling of the space hippies.
  • Adam: "I crack my knuckles and jump for joy! I got a clean bill of health from Dr. McCoy!"
  • Chekov: "I am proud of what I am. I believe in what I do. Can you say that?"
  • Chekov respectfully submitting himself for punishment.


This episode is famous for being terribly bad and overly silly. Essentially a band of dropout space hippies go on a religious quest to find Eden. Then they discover, much to their discontent, that there is no Eden. Fans vigorously bash this episode, but I am less critical. This episode features no incredible technical problems; nothing in this episode couldn't have happened in the canonical Star Trek universe. Indeed, I think this episode holds historical value on many levels. It shows the pointlessness of the whole hippie movement of the 1960s by showing the same pointlessness in the 2260s. Basically, extremist groups guided by religious beliefs never accomplish anything. Another redeeming quality of this episode is the fact that for once the Enterprise doesn't feature superior condescending malicious guests. Instead, they are ignorant, misguided, and in fact have good intentions. Now, admittedly, the acting is ridiculously silly and very over the top. I give it a low rating thusly. But not nearly as low as many fans would say it deserves.