Star Trek: The Original Series reviews — season 2

Star Trek: The Original Series — 2x16 — The Gamesters of Triskelion


Three disembodied beings wager on fights staged by prisoners abducted from around the galaxy.

Filler rating: bad filler

Pretty lame episode with no significant long term continuity.

Remarkable scenes

  • McCoy badgering Spock during their search for the landing party.
  • Kirk as target practice.
  • The providers wagering on the newcomers.
  • Shahna: "How can one live on a flicker of light?"
  • Kirk: "A species that enslaves other beings is hardly superior, mentally or otherwise."
  • Kirk's battle three against one.


A rehash of Arena. Once again the Enterprise's fate is decided by an unfair fight that Kirk must win for the crew to survive, complete with the plot once again contriving a way for the bridge crew to witness the fight on the viewscreen. The story is mildly entertaining, but the plot logic is deficient in a couple of ways. For starters, it's never quite explained why the glowing brain aliens chose to abduct the Enterprise's landing party in the first place. What was their selection process for procuring new fighting stock? Was the Enterprise in the wrong place at the wrong time or were they targeted?

Also, why were the slavers so willing to relinquish their slaves based on the results of a single, simple bet? They had all the power and were by no means obligated the honor their word. You'd think that this twisted trio of torturers would think nothing of adding a bit of dishonesty to their status quo of violent enslavement, but apparently to them breaking a promise is even more immoral than kidnapping people and forcing them to fight as gladiators.

Aside from that, I much enjoyed Kirk's slow, willful exploitation of Shahna's feelings as means to an end for his freedom. And while I could have done without Spock making yet another biblical reference (this time to Daniel in the lion's den), McCoy and Scotty bickering with Spock during their search for the landing party was perhaps the best material of the episode; a welcome reprieve from the awkwardness of the aliens of the week. A better episode would have given us better fleshed out antagonists instead of glowing brains in a box with zombie minions.