Star Trek: The Original Series reviews — season 1

Star Trek: The Original Series — 1x05 — The Enemy Within


A transporter malfunction creates an evil Kirk.

Filler rating: bad filler

Pretty lame episode with no significant long term continuity.

Remarkable scenes

  • Evil Kirk being evil.
  • Rand telling her story in the presence of good Kirk.
  • Kirk confronting his other half.
  • Spock Vulcan neck pinching evil Kirk.
  • McCoy regarding the alien dog: "He's dead, Jim." Count 2.
  • Spock and McCoy arguing over whether the dog died of terror or some technical malfunction with the transporter reintegrating its two halves.
  • Evil Kirk pretending to be good Kirk.
  • Kirk's reintegration.


The Enemy Within is story with a high minded idea but poorly executed characterization. The episode seems so infatuated with the idea of Kirk having two mutually exclusive halves to his personality which he's in a constant struggle to reconcile that they exaggerate the whole ordeal to the point of ridiculousness, overlooking any opportunity to more deeply explore his character in the process. That said, there are a few worthwhile details here and there.

I like how one of the first things evil Kirk does is pursue Rand. It's good continuity with The Naked Time where Kirk expressed hidden desires for Rand. Another nice detail was Spock comparing his struggle to reconcile his human and Vulcan ancestry with Kirk's split in two dilemma. Finally, I certainly do enjoy the idea of exploring human psychology in the sense that we all have more basic instincts that we not only need to suppress but also at times need to draw on in order to reach our full potential.

The trouble is what little exploration of this topic the episode engages in is shallow at best. As such, there's little of value in this story other than the amusement of watching evil Kirk do evil things along with one or two decent action scenes. Overall this is a pretty disappointing offering.