Star Trek: The Original Series reviews — season 1

Star Trek: The Original Series — 1x04 — The Naked Time


The Enterprise crew catch a virus that removes their inhibitions.

Filler rating: not filler

This is a must-see from TOS. The disease the crew contracts in this episode will recur later in TNG: The Naked Now and the magic time travel formula Spock discovers will also recur several times during TOS.

Remarkable scenes

  • Sulu rampaging through the Enterprise with a fencing sword.
  • Spock using some sort of neck pinch to render Sulu unconscious.
  • Nurse Christine Chapel trying to seduce Spock.
  • Spock losing his emotional control after being infected by Nurse Chapel.
  • Scotty: "I can't change the laws of physics!"
  • Kirk fighting Spock.
  • Kirk becoming infected while Spock regains his control.


The Naked Time is an effective comedy story mixed with a touching subplot regarding Chapel's unrequited love for Spock whom does not return her affection. He ignores her affection for him not because he does not feel the same for her, but because he feels he is ethically obligated to suppress those feelings because of his Vulcan heritage. The other side of the story is full of fun moments such as Sulu rampaging through the ship with a rapier and random members of the crew exhibiting generally amusing drunken disorderly conduct.

Unfortunately, this is all predicated on an exceptionally stupid mistake by the crewman who beamed down with Spock in the opening scenes. They're in a hazmat situation and the damn crewman takes off part of his protective suit in the middle of the investigation which is trying to determine what inexplicably killed that whole colony full of scientists! This is a degree of reckless incompetence that is so high that it makes it hard to be sympathetic to our heroes' plight. Then there's the painfully irrelevant ending. To save the ship from crashing down onto the planet, Spock invents... time travel? Seriously?

Worse yet, once the ship is saved, Kirk just sort of sits there and basically says, "gee golly, that's an interesting accidental discovery. We might have to use that deliberately some time." His casual indifference to the magnitude of such a discovery would be like someone from ancient Rome seeing an airplane for the first time and shrugging, as if there was little significance to the existence of such technology. Those issues aside though, the episode is highly enjoyable with very effective comedy.