Star Trek: The Original Series reviews — season 1

Star Trek: The Original Series — 1x20 — Court Martial


Kirk is recalled for a potential court-martial.

Filler rating: good filler

There's no essential plot or exposition in this episode that renders it unskippable, but it's a decent episode, even though it could have been better.

Remarkable scenes

  • The frantic girl accusing Kirk of murdering her father.
  • McCoy, to a beautiful woman: "All of my old friends look like doctors. All of Kirk's look like you."
  • Kirk's revulsion at the commodore's suggestion that Kirk just take this lying down; just sweep it under the rug.
  • Kirk flirting with his old friend while she's trying to give him legal advice only to find out she's going to be the prosecution.
  • Samuel T. Cogley's eccentric introduction.
  • Kirk to Spock: "Who knows, maybe you'll be able to beat your next captain at Chess."
  • The girl apologizing to Kirk for her prior hostility.
  • McCoy: "Spock, you're the most cold blooded man I know." Spock: "Why thank you, doctor."
  • Spock beating the computer at Chess and discovering the computer had been tampered with.
  • McCoy using the amplified sound of heartbeats to prove there is someone hiding on the ship.
  • Finney's appearance.


Say hello to Samuel T. Cogley, an old fashioned man who still uses books in a world where computers are everywhere. Frankly, I found this eccentric luddite of a man far more entertaining than most of the actual plot which while interesting had several weak moments. The worst problem is the character of Finney, whose actions make him come across as a complete psycho and undermine his dramatic appeal. Did he really think he could hide in the ship long enough to get Kirk convicted? What was he planning to do afterwards given that he faked his death? Just go grab his daughter and find some quiet place in the Federation to live for the rest of his life in hiding? For a guy who claims to really love the service he effectively ended his career in the service the moment he pulled this stunt.

Then there's Cogley's questionable lawyering. Between not cross examining the witnesses and worse yet failing to procure a copy of the damning video evidence during discovery (was there even any discovery?) so as to mount a defense against it, Cogley, while amusing, didn't seem terribly competent. Likewise, why does the captain's chair aboard the Enterprise have a "Jettison Pod" button right next to the red alert button? And why are we now referring to the Vulcans as "Vulcanians" all of a sudden? All in all while this episode could easily have been worth an above average amount of points if it had better written guest characters and fewer errors in the plot, it's definitely a nice story as is.