Star Trek: The Original Series reviews — season 1

Star Trek: The Original Series — 1x02 — Charlie X


A powerful teenage boy wreaks havoc aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise.

Filler rating: good filler

There's no essential plot or exposition in this episode that renders it unskippable, but it's a decent episode, even though it could have been better.

Remarkable scenes

  • Charlie: "Is that a girl?" Kirk: "That's a girl."
  • Charlie slapping Rand on the ass.
  • Kirk and McCoy arguing over who will mentor the boy.
  • Uhura singing to Spock's harp playing.
  • Kirk trying to explain why you don't slap women on the ass to Charlie and utterly failing at it.
  • Rand trying to hand Charlie off to Yeoman Tina.
  • The athletic scene with Charlie and Kirk.
  • Charlie making Spock say odd things.
  • Kirk taking on Charlie, gambling his powers were being overtaxed.
  • Charlie begging to stay on board when the non-corporeal green aliens came to take him away.


A boy growing up in isolation only to be reintegrated with civilization during his adolescence is a fantastic premise for a story, but this wonderful premise is largely ruined by the annoying supernatural influences injected into the plot in order to make Charlie more menacing. Not every episode of Star Trek needs to have aliens, and this episode certainly could have benefited from a simpler story.

That said, despite the handicaps, Charlie X is still a decent story. We certainly do get to see shades of what such a reintegration of a lost child would be like during the scenes when Charlie isn't using his superpowers. The scoring of the episode is also particularly good, especially in the earlier scenes.

The best moments are when Kirk is forced to play a sort of father figure for Charlie against his will. In spite of his stumbling through it, Kirk's pretty good at it! Overall though the episode is high on potential and low on payoff. A better story would have simply shown us what Charlie's reintegration with his closest family on the colony would have been like. Superpowers simply for the sake of seeing superpowers just isn't a compelling drama.