Star Trek: The Next Generation reviews — season 7

Star Trek: The Next Generation — 7x06 — Phantasms


Data's first bad dream turns into a real-life nightmare.

Remarkable scenes

  • Picard lamenting about being invited to a dinner with a bunch of admirals.
  • Data staring at his cat.
  • The Troi cake.
  • Data "oversleeping."
  • Riker: "Talk about going nowhere fast."
  • Picard trying to be useful in engineering.
  • Data stabbing Troi.
  • Worf attempting to command Data's cat to come to him.
  • Data: "And you must talk to him. Tell him he's a pretty cat. And a good cat."
  • Troi's Data cake.
  • Data: "I wonder what Dr. Freud would say about the symbolism of devouring oneself."


This episode features good continuity with TNG: Birthright, when Data first discovered his dreaming program. It's nice to see more about this program. I'm glad they don't just sweep the whole incident under the rug like certain other episodes. The Enterprise's engine troubles were thoroughly fun to watch. Every time they try to go to warp the engines blows! Hilarious. Overall the episode is entertaining despite a rather weak plot.