Star Trek: The Next Generation reviews — season 7

Star Trek: The Next Generation — 7x26 — All Good Things... Part II


Picard tries to prevent the destruction of humanity.

Remarkable scenes

  • A clean-shaven Riker!
  • Picard investigating the anomaly in all 3 time periods.
  • The three nacelled Enterprise!
  • Geordi's regenerated eyes and Ogawa losing her baby.
  • Q showing Picard the primordial soup.
  • Picard senilely describing a temporal paradox and Data catching what he's actually talking about.
  • Picard manipulating the Enterprise in all 3 time periods.
  • Picard: "Mr. Data, you are a clever man in any time period."
  • The sight of all 3 Enterprises together.
  • Q: "I'm going to miss you Jean-Luc, you had such potential. But then again all good things must come to an end..."
  • Picard thanking Q.
  • The crew discussing the changes in the timeline.
  • Picard joining the Poker game.
  • The last line on of TNG TV series: Picard: "So, five card stud, nothing wild, and the sky's the limit!"


This episode finishes off with a bang, much more exciting than the first part. The issue of Troi and Worf's relationship is neatly tied up here. It would have been nice if in the TNG movies it was at least somewhat addressed, but it's certainly better than no explanation at all. The series ends making just as grand a point as it began with. Humanity is evolving and its collective mind is expanding. I like the sense of camaraderie at the end of the episode, both between Q and Picard regarding their relationship; Q really is a good guy, guiding humanity, and protecting humanity as they grow. Also the camaraderie between Picard and his crew as he finally plays Poker with them for the first time. This episode is a wonderful conclusion to Star Trek: The Next Generation.