Star Trek: The Next Generation reviews — season 7

Star Trek: The Next Generation — 7x02 — Liaisons


The crew hosts a cultural exchange.

Remarkable scenes

  • Worf "having problems."
  • Beverly trying to explain the concept of a buffet to the ambassador.
  • Worf attempting to tolerate his diplomatic assignment.
  • Data insulting Worf accidentally(?).
  • Worf: "I am going to kill him with my bear hands. I will take him by the throat and rip out his esophagus!"
  • Worf: "You are an insulting pompous fool and if you were not an ambassador I would disembowel you right here!"


This episode is entertaining though not very credible. The aliens motives just don't seem realistic at all. It's nice that they're not a bunch of psychotic obsessors but are in fact just conducting some harmless research, but their methods leave much to be desired. The pleasant redeems this episode for an extra point. It's always nice to see an understanding and compassionate cast.