Star Trek: The Next Generation reviews — season 7

Star Trek: The Next Generation — 7x13 — Homeward


Worf's brother tries to save a doomed alien race.

Remarkable scenes

  • Nikolai transporting the Boraalans onto the Enterprise without permission.
  • Worf callring the holodeck malfuction an omen. "The sign of LaForge."
  • One of the aliens escaping the holodeck.
  • Picard trying to convince the escaped alien to stay with the Federation.
  • The stunt transporting the Boraalans to their new home.
  • The escaped Boraalan committing suicide.
  • Worf making up with Nikolai and proclaiming his actions honorable.


This episode features a very complex issue concerning the morality of the prime directive. A primitive culture is facing annihilation. If the Federation doesn't help, they all die. Personally, I don't see how letting them all die is preferable to saving them. Faced with 1. contaminating their culture and 2. making a concious decision to let their culture be destroyed despite the fact that you can easily save it, option 1. seems the best choice. That said, I agree with Nikolai's decision in this episode. Obviously, Nikolai crosses the line impregnating one of the villagers. But at least I agree with him on the principle that doomed people should be saved whenever possible. It disappoints me that Nikolai is not forcibly separated from his "new home" because an alien procreating with another species covertly is clearly just the sort of prime directive violation everyone was trying to avoid in the first place! The Boraalans will have (admittedly small) amounts of human DNA in their future generations! Despite that, I enjoyed the episode anyway, as it makes us all take a good hard look at the prime directive and just how well it applies to certain situations.