Star Trek: The Next Generation reviews — season 7

Star Trek: The Next Generation — 7x01 — Descent, Part II


Picard, Troi and Geordi are held prisoner by Data.

Remarkable scenes

  • Crusher in command of the Enterprise.
  • Data trying to be funny amidst the torture.
  • Beverly executing her tricky warp speed exit to get people off the planet.
  • Beverly using metaphasic shielding to enter the sun's corona. Excellent continuity with TNG: Suspicions.
  • Taitt destroying the Borg ship.
  • Data's announcement that the emotion chip was damaged when Data fired on Lore.
  • Data almost phasering the emotion chip.
  • LaForge: "Maybe some day. When you're ready."


This episode provides the expected explanation for the Borg's seemingly silly behavior in the previous episode, along with Data's emotions. Lore, who believes himself perfect, happened to be in the right place at the right time when Picard returned Hugh to the Borg in TNG: I, Borg. Lore takes over the confused Borg and uses them to assemble an army. Also as expected, Dr. Crusher gets the nice screen time she deserves. She does an excellent job commanding the Enterprise. Unfortunately, despite these details, while the premise sets itself up weakly, the conclusion finishes the episode off even weaker than before. The only redeeming qualities are Beverly's performance commanding the ship and Data's final scenes with Geordi at the end. Beyond that, a disappointing plot.