Star Trek: The Next Generation reviews — season 6

Star Trek: The Next Generation — 6x09 — The Quality of Life


Data risks lives in order to protect a "living" machine.

Remarkable scenes

  • The discussion of Geordi's beard and beards in general. Personally, I like Geordi the best with a beard.
  • Data beginning to believe the exocomp was alive.
  • Beverly healing herself after being defeated in a sparring match with Worf.
  • Data asking Beverly for the definition of life.
  • Farallon: "One time I saw an exocomp enter a reaction chamber for no apparent reason and vaporize itself. Is that supposed to make me think that it was depressed and suicidal?"
  • Beverly and Data discovering that the exocomp saw right through the test.
  • Data objecting to sacrificing the exocomps to save Picard and Geordi.
  • Data locking out the transporter to save the exocomps. I love how Data replies to Riker's anger to calmly.
  • The exocomps noble sacrifice.


This episode takes a meager premise and makes it interesting. In the beginning of the episode we have a simple space station with a radical new mining technique. A concept not unlike other TNG episodes dealing with one time guest stars. However, the introduction of the exocomps and the debate over their sentience is an intriguing one. And the debate over whether or not they're alive is even more fascinating than TNG: The Measure of a Man in some respects. Especially with Data's decision to protect the exocomps at all costs. I'm fond of how everyone is so easy to forgive Data and I'm equally fond of how much willing Data was to end his career with his extreme actions. The dialog in this episode was intelligent and was a general pleasure to watch.