Star Trek: The Next Generation reviews — season 6

Star Trek: The Next Generation — 6x08 — A Fistful of Datas


Data becomes the villain in a Holodeck malfunction.

Remarkable scenes

  • Picard playing the flute with the skill he acquired in TNG: The Inner Light.
  • Picard getting annoyed at the interruptions.
  • Worf trying to avoid Alexander.
  • Worf, just after seeing the whore in the holodeck: "You wrote this program?" Alexander: "Mr. Barclay helped a little."
  • Worf getting into the spirit in Alexander's program.
  • Worf's objections to Troi's entrence.
  • Worf getting slapped by the holographic woman.
  • Picard's music glitching.
  • Riker reading Data's poetry from TNG: Schisms.
  • Data showing up as characters in the holodeck.
  • Data interacting with his cat... suddenly switching to a Western accent.
  • Worf, ordering a drink: "Klingon Fire Wine" Holodeck woman: "This ain't Kansas City! We ain't got none of that fancy European stuff here!
  • Holodeck Data hurting Worf's shoulder, and Worf trying to freeze the program giving Worf a clue that something's gone wrong.
  • Data starting to act like a cowboy.
  • Troi having to explain to Worf that Holo-Data will break his word on the agreement.
  • The Holo-Woman being replaced by Data...
  • The Enterprise flying off into the sunset...


A cute, fun episode. The nicest part about this episode is how all the characters fit into their unnatural rules. Worf trying to fit in as a Westerner, yet perfectly comfortable with the idea of enforcing the law. Troi as a seasoned veteran nasty mysterious stranger, and especially Data, with his numerous roles in this episode. Brent Spiner's performance in all these roles was nothing short of brilliant; the accents were great. I'm not sure which I liked more. The real Data acting like a cowboy or Data as the holodeck characters. Even the final Data scene where he appeared in drag as a the bartender was done well enough such that it was funny and not tasteless.