Star Trek: The Next Generation reviews — season 6

Star Trek: The Next Generation — 6x07 — Rascals


Several crew members are turned into children.

Remarkable scenes

  • The actors for the child versions of the characters were pretty good selections.
  • Picard trying to ignore the limitations of his new form.
  • O'Brien's reaction to Keiko.
  • Troi: "You could return to the acadamy, take another degree, brush up on your Latin." Picard: "And be Wesly Crusher's room mate?"
  • Troi: "A second childhood. Without the pain of growing up again."
  • Guinan picking on Ro.
  • Guinan's proposed solution to the takeover.
  • The child's computer.
  • Picard freaking out at the Ferengi about seeing his "father" Riker
  • Picard pretending to be Riker's son.
  • Riker bullshitting technobabble.
  • The children "tagging" the Ferengi.


The Ferengi conquering the Enterprise so easily seemed a little absurd. And why did the Ferengi even bother trying to unlock the computer? They could have just tractored the ship to Romulan space. I'm sure the Romulans would have been more interested and more able to crack the computer lockout... This episode suffers greatly from both logical and technical problems. Forgiving them briefly, this episode bears great humor. It's great fun watching the crew as children and how they're treated by the rest of the cast. It's also great fun watching the children outsmart the Ferengi. Besides the humor, the idea that they could live to be twice the age of normal people was also intriguing, but disappointing that in the end no one decided to remain a child; not even Ro who would have been perfectly suited for that role. A fine idea for an episode, but very poorly executed.