Star Trek: The Next Generation reviews — season 6

Star Trek: The Next Generation — 6x06 — True-Q


A gifted young intern learns that she is a Q.

Remarkable scenes

  • Amanda displaying Q-like powers.
  • Q's entrance, and the revelation that Amanda's a Q.
  • Amanda describing to Beverly that she can bring back her lost loved ones but she's having trouble wrestling with the morality of that ability.
  • Beverly complaining that Q ruined her experiment by speeding it up unnaturally.
  • Q turning Beverly into a dog, Amanda turning her back, all without Beverly noticing.
  • Q and Amanda playing hide and go seek.
  • Amanda transporting Riker.
  • Riker: "You can't make someone love you." Amanda: "Can't I?" She waves her hand and Riker falls for her instantly...
  • Picard describing the tornado that killed Amanda's parents.
  • Picard lecturing Q on morals.
  • Q: "Jean Luc, sometimes I think the only reason I come here is to listen to your wonderful speeches."
  • Amanda making the decision to embrace her powers.


A pleasing episode in that the fans have always been curious about the Q. We get to see another bit of the psychology of the Q continuum in this episode; that they are extremely ethnocentric. Only pure Qs are allowed to exist, it seems. Despite the fanboy trivia in this episode that makes it fun, the plot is little more than slightly above average because of it. Really what we see here is a recycled TNG: Hide and Q when Riker was given the chance to become a Q, except less silliness and more moral debate.