Star Trek: The Next Generation reviews — season 6

Star Trek: The Next Generation — 6x04 — Relics


Scotty returns after being in stasis for 75 years.

Remarkable scenes

  • The sight of the Dyson Sphere.
  • The sight of a TOS transporter rematerializing Scotty.
  • Scotty not aware of how much time had passed.
  • Geordi, regarding rigging the transporter to survive: "That's brilliant!" Scotty: "I think it was only 50% brilliant. Franklin deserved better."
  • Beverly, on Scotty's health: "I'd say you feel fine for a man of 147."
  • Scotty fumbling over the new technology.
  • Scotty: "I was driving starships when your great grandfather was in diapers!"
  • Data explaining synthehol to Scotty.
  • Scotty: "Synthetic scotch. Synthetic commanders."
  • Scotty: "What is it?" Data: "It is... it is... it is green." A reference to Scotty's famous line in TOS: By Any Other Name.
  • Scotty: "NCC 1701, no bloody A, B, C, or D."
  • The original Enterprise on the holodeck.
  • Picard: "Aldebaran whisky. Who do you think gave it Guinan?"
  • Picard and Scotty discussing the ships they miss.
  • Scotty, with regards to the holodeck: "Computer, shut this bloody thing off."
  • Geordi trying to cheer up Scotty.
  • The old ship holding the Dyson sphere open with its shields.
  • Geordi discussing his adventure with Dr. Brahms with Scotty.


The simplistic plot is perfect because it allows us to spend more time on Scotty and less time on SciFi concept of the week. The greatest thing about it though was the SciFi concept of the week was a wonderful idea. So the whole plot just wove together into to an impressions show. Everything in this episode was geared toward impressing the viewer. Especially if the viewer was a longtime Star Trek fan. Yes, this episode is completely fanboyish. Oldschool TOS character returns and an obscure but well documented SciFi concept given a cameo as well. This whole episode seems to be a cameo. But it couldn't have been done better and I enjoyed it greatly.