Star Trek: The Next Generation reviews — season 6

Star Trek: The Next Generation — 6x03 — Man of the People


A Lumerian ambassador uses Troi to achieve success.

Remarkable scenes

  • Worf directing a martial arts class. Cool!
  • The old woman: "Have you mated with him yet?!"
  • Troi being life-force raped.
  • Troi toying with Riker.
  • Troi being mean to Ensign Janeway.
  • Beverly performing an illegal autopsy.
  • Beverly faking Troi's death.


I like the impunity the ambassador had throughout the episode. It shows us that sometimes people just get so famous and important that even haneous crimes they commit seem to be overlooked. The ambassador reminded me somewhat of OJ Simpson, except in this case getting what he deserved in the end. Despite the fine story idea, the execution was rather drab. The story was caught up in Beverly's medical mystery, the conclusion of which was obvious. The only interesting part was the climax, in which it's fun to watch Picard and Beverly manipulate the ambassador. His death was fitting, albeit a bit convenient. My main problem with this episode is the number of TNG cliches. A diplomatic mission, a mystery guest star with a secret, and more Troi suffering scenes. I've thus marked it down a bit.