Star Trek: The Next Generation reviews — season 6

Star Trek: The Next Generation — 6x26 — Descent, Part I


The Borg return to do battle with the Federation.

Remarkable scenes

  • Data's poker game with great historical scientists.
  • Data getting angry.
  • Data describing feeling angry by mimicking Geordi's hand motions.
  • Admiral Nechayev laying into Picard for not wiping out the Borg Collective with Hugh.
  • Data's conversation with Troi about emotion.
  • Data trying to recreate his anger by killing a holographic Borg over and over again.
  • The captured Borg listing the ways to instantly kill each species he sees.


This episode is a little retarded. Unlike DS9's season finale, this one is jam packed with action. Unfortunately, this episode mixes too many unrelated concepts together in a very unwieldly manner. Borg, Data, Lore, Hugh, sorry, I didn't like it. Most of all, I disliked the Borg in this episode. They were completely out of character. Of course we're given a fine explanation for this, it doesn't make the episode any more enjoyable. One nice detail is Dr. Crusher being placed in command of the ship, setting her up for some more rare nice screen time.