Star Trek: The Next Generation reviews — season 6

Star Trek: The Next Generation — 6x25 — Timescape


The Enterprise is frozen in time on the brink of annihilation.

Remarkable scenes

  • Riker describing that his injury was the fault of Data's cat.
  • Troi describing being seduced by an alien at the seminar.
  • Picard: "There was no pause. He just kept talking in one incredibly unbroken sentence moving from topic to topic so that no one had a chance to interrupt it was really quite hypnotic."
  • Everyone freezing in time except Troi.
  • Troi freezing. I like the camera work.
  • Picard's hand aging faster than the rest of his body.
  • The sight of the Enterprise and the Romulan Warbird frozen in time.
  • I love the eerie sights abord the ships, making it look as though the Romulans were trying to take over the Enterprise.
  • Picard drawing a smiley face on the warp core breach.
  • Time starting back up, the Enterprise exploding, then time reversing...
  • The crew positioning themselves in key spots within the ship before they run time backwards to fix things.
  • I like how Data has to step out of the way of one of the backward walking crewmen.
  • The teapot scene in the end. Very well done.


This is one of the more unique TNG episodes, and certainly one of the most exciting. There's good continuity too with regards to Troi's acquired knowledge of Romulan technology from TNG: Face of the Enemy. The science of this episode is a little shady. For example, how can the life support systems of a slowed down starship support the normal-speed characters? It's best if you don't think about it too much I suppose. Time travel gives me headaches. While the excitement remains high, another detail I liked was the ending. In the end, no, it wasn't a Romulan attack on the Enterprise but in fact the Enterprise assisting a Romulan ship in need. They lost their ship, but the Enterprise saved most of the Romulan crewmembers and returned them to Romulus. A shame the Romulan Empire didn't seem to appreciative of this act. Nevertheless, the episode demonstrated the Federation's goodwill toward the Romulans despite past hostilities, and it presented a very unique and memorable story.