Star Trek: The Next Generation reviews — season 6

Star Trek: The Next Generation — 6x24 — Second Chances


Riker encounters an identical double of himself.

Remarkable scenes

  • Riker being "saved by the bell."
  • Lt. Riker's meeting with Deanna.
  • Riker and Riker discussing their father and the different decisions they've made.
  • Troi going on her scavenger hunt.
  • Riker and Riker arguing about the away mission.
  • Riker and Riker playing poker with each other, making large bets against one another with the Commander ultimately winning. Lt. Riker: "You always had the better hand. In everything."
  • Data and Worf discussing Riker and Riker.
  • Thomas Riker making his exit.


This episode is both fantastic and annoying both at the same time. One annoying thing is that the new Riker character is largely wasted. We do see him again, but as a disgruntled example of how Riker went bad. That said, this particular episode does feature some cool things. My favorite detail is how much attention they paid to continuity. Previous episodes are nicely referenced all through this episode and both Lt. and Commander Riker are perfectly in character. What I liked most is the developing rivalry between the two Rikers. It's certainly not the ideal situation, but it's most definitely realistic. I like how Commander Riker seems to have decided many things in Lt. Riker's place. He rejected Troi in his place, he came to terms with their father in his place, and he rejected starship commands in his place. Lt. Riker questions all of Commander Riker's life decisions since the incident and Commander Riker feels that he has to prove that he's the better of the two as a result. The poker game is the best of these scenes of course, very thrilling to watch. Overall, another fine episode.