Star Trek: The Next Generation reviews — season 6

Star Trek: The Next Generation — 6x23 — Rightful Heir


Worf finds his faith sorely tested when he meets Kahless.

Remarkable scenes

  • Khaless' return.
  • Worf: "Questions are the beginning of wisdom. The mark of a true warrior."
  • Gowron's appearance.
  • Gowron's hatred of the "idea" of Khaless' return.
  • Khaless: "Long ago a storm was heading to the city of Qin'Latt. The people sought protection within the walls, all except one man who remained outside. I went to him what he was doing. 'I am not afraid!' he said. 'I will not hide my face behind stone and water. I will stand before the wind and make it respect me.' I honored his choice and went inside. The next day, the storm came and the man was killed. The wind does not respect a fool."
  • Worf squeezing the truth out of the priests.
  • Data describing his "leap of faith."
  • Worf's emperor solution.


This episode features good continuity with TNG: Birthright regarding the reason for Worf's loss of faith. I very much enjoyed Worf's doubt about his faith in Khaless. The return of Khaless is analogous to the prophetic return of Jesus Christ in the current day Christian faith, at least in terms of the effect it has on people. I liked the controversy over whether or not Khaless was real. Once again, Gowron puts on one of his brilliant and rare performances. Defeating Khaless, he forces Worf to squeeze the truth out of the priests. Once the truth is revealed, the episode gets even more interesting. The truth about the cloned Khaless is revealed to the people and Khaless becomes the first emperor of the Klingon Empire in 300 years. Not because he's truly Khaless, but because despite how he was created, he represents the true spirit of the empire. A most honorable solution for a most honorable race.