Star Trek: The Next Generation reviews — season 6

Star Trek: The Next Generation — 6x22 — Suspicions


Dr. Crusher risks her career to solve the murder of a scientist.

Remarkable scenes

  • Reyga: "After all, a Ferengi scientist is almost a contradiction in terms!"
  • Guinan convincing Beverly to reopen the investigation.
  • Nurse Ogawa disobeying orders and bypassing the computer for Beverly.
  • Beverly betting her life on the sabotage theory.
  • Beverly killing Jo'Bril.
  • Guinan admitting she never had Tennis Elbow.


A Beverly Crusher episode, rare thing, and a good episode at that. The first good detail is the ensemble of scientists Beverly assembled. A Klingon, Ferengi, Vulcan, human, and some new alien named Jo'Bril. A truly cool example of how far the 24th century has come in terms of inter stellar relations. The next detail I liked was the the fact that the metaphasic shield indeed worked. And it's not just some radical new technology we never see again, it's referenced in future episodes. All of these small details add up to a very pleasing out of the ordinary episode. The only wish I have is that Reyga didn't have to die. We need more nontraditional Ferengi and he was certainly a great character. That said, this is certainly an above average TNG episode.