Star Trek: The Next Generation reviews — season 6

Star Trek: The Next Generation — 6x21 — Frame of Mind


Riker is trapped in an alien mental hospital.

Remarkable scenes

  • Riker starting to freak out.
  • The insane "officer" from the Yorktown.
  • Riker seeing and hearing things in his second acting of his play.
  • Data complimenting Riker's ability to play a demented character.
  • Riker refusing to believe Beverly's, Worf's, and Data's appearances were real.
  • Riker realizing he's still in an illusion.


This episode features an excellent acting performance by Johnathan Frakes as Riker. The plot itself is a little weak; the motives of the people who captured Riker aren't entirely explained. Nevertheless, this is still an excellent episode and a fun one to watch. As Data points out during the episode, Frakes presents an extremely convincing madman!