Star Trek: The Next Generation reviews — season 6

Star Trek: The Next Generation — 6x18 — Starship Mine


Picard is trapped on the ship with interstellar thieves.

Remarkable scenes

  • I like the teaser of this episode, where Picard is micromanaging so many different things.
  • Data attempting smalltalk.
  • Picard granting Worf to be excused from the reception, but not Geordi. Picard: "Worf beat you to it."
  • Data mimicking Hutchinson.
  • Picard walking into a wall while he's attempting to leave Hutchinson's reception.
  • Picard Vulcan neck pinching Devor.
  • Riker unleashing Data on Hutchinson.
  • Riker: "I have to admit, it has a certain strange fascination. How long can two people talk about nothing?"
  • Picard pretending to be the barber who never shuts up.
  • Picard killing the invaders of his ship en masse.


I like this episode quite a bit. The humor regarding Hutchinson and Data is slapstick but still tactful. The terrorist threat aboard the ship during the Baryon sweep is original, interesting, and thrilling. Most interesting though was Picard the killer! Picard murdered at least half a dozen people in this episode in defense of his ship; setting them all up to die one by one! This of course is the best part of the episode. Picard's tactics and trickery were superb and fun to watch. The episode maintained a consistent level of excitement all throughout and a fun level of humor at the beginning. The technobabble was borderline annoying, but served mostly as a successfully exploited plot device, so I don't dislike it too much. A great episode.