Star Trek: The Next Generation reviews — season 6

Star Trek: The Next Generation — 6x17 — Birthright, Part II


Worf risks his life to inspire younger Klingons.

Remarkable scenes

  • Worf trying to teach the people of the compound the Klingon ways.
  • Worf taking offense to the existence of a Romulan Klingon hybrid.
  • Toq: "Tonight, we eat well!"
  • Toq: "You do not kill an animal unless you intend to eat it!"
  • Ba'El: "They will kill you!" Worf: "Yes, but they will not defeat me."
  • Worf: "No one survived Khitomer." Picard: "I understand."


A rather underwhelming sequel to the two parter. It focuses exclusively on Worf with the DS9 crossover having been completely wasted. Further, it's hard to believe that Tokath didn't go to greater lengths to ensure the secrecy of his little utopia. It is nice to see all this emphasis on Klingon culture, which makes this an episode to remember. But the timing was just terrible and I have to take off points for this.