Star Trek: The Next Generation reviews — season 6

Star Trek: The Next Generation — 6x14 — Face of the Enemy


Troi becomes a pivotal part of a Romulan defection.

Remarkable scenes

  • Troi's briefing from N'Vek
  • Trio's abraisive meeting with Commander Toreth.
  • Riker arresting Ensign DeSeve for treason.
  • DeSeve delivering Spock's message.
  • N'Vek blaming firing on the freighter on Troi.
  • Troi and N'Vek discussing the failure of their plan.
  • Commander Toreth's objections to Troi's new plan to cross into Federation space.
  • Troi forcing her plan on N'Vek.
  • Troi challenging Toreth's command.
  • N'Vek firing a low powered disruptor to piggyback a transporter.
  • N'Vek's death.
  • Troi's escape.


A human defector to Romulus returns to the Federation and Troi unwillingly becomes a Federation spy on board a Romulan warbird. The political web weaved for this episode is a complex one, but definitely interesting. Seeing more of the inside of Romulan vessels is certainly interesting as well. The thrilling plot keeps you on the edge of the seat as the warbird and the Enterprise become ever so dangerously closer to one another, climaxing with Troi's extremely risky maneuver hailing the Enterprise under the guise of being a member of Romulan intelligence. Granted, N'Vek's death is a huge cliche and in this case extremely needless. There's no reason the plot couldn't have been further complicated by Troi pleading Picard to transport him out too, only to find that his fate was now sealed once the warbird went to warp. I enjoyed watching him vaporize, but it seemed entirely senseless. Having him simply remain on board while Troi escaped would have beared so much more emotion. Finally, this is possibly Troi's greatest episode in that she played the most important role and did so spectacularly. Bravo.