Star Trek: The Next Generation reviews — season 6

Star Trek: The Next Generation — 6x13 — Aquiel


Geordi falls in love with an alien murder suspect.

Remarkable scenes

  • Picard intimidating Morag with his influence over Gowron.
  • Aquiel showing up on the Enterprise.
  • Crusher's hand showing up in the gunk.
  • Geordi phasering the shape shifting life form.


An absolutely dull episode and sad in a way. Another tragic LaForge romance in which we watch him spend virtually the whole episode trying to land a girl only to be turned down in the end. The murder plot is confusing right up until the last moment at which point LaForge employs Texas justice, murdering the murderer. It's a little absurd that he never once called for security despite the fact that he had plenty of time to, and could easily outrun the shape shifting blob. I'm a big fan of LaForge and all, but frankly, this has got to be one of his worst episodes.