Star Trek: The Next Generation reviews — season 6

Star Trek: The Next Generation — 6x11 — Chain of Command, Part II


The crew attempts to rescue Picard from Cardassians.

Remarkable scenes

  • Zombie Picard being interrogated.
  • Gul Madred describing a peaceful, prosperous Cardassia of 200 years ago, before the military takeover.
  • Madred's psychotic torture techniques.
  • Jellico relieving Riker of duty.
  • Data in red!
  • Madred exposing his daughter to his work. That man is insane.
  • Madred and Picard discussing Cardassia's history.
  • Madred bluffing about holding Beverly and killing Worf to get Picard to be more cooperative.
  • Picard eating a live Taspar egg.
  • Picard defying Madred.
  • Picard continuing to defy Madred while the pain device keeps him in constant agony.
  • Geordi carefully trying to put in the good word to Jellico about Riker.
  • Riker taking pleasure in Jellico's brief moment of humility.
  • Geordi: "Do I wanna know how close that was?" Riker: "No."
  • Jellico playing his minefield card to the Cardassian captain.
  • Picard taking the pain inflictor controller and smashing it. Madred: "That won't help, I have many more." Picard: "Still... felt... good."
  • Madred trying one last time to get Picard to submit to him by telling him that there are five lights. Picard, one last time defying him and continuing to tell the truth: "There... are... four... lights!" The guards try to help Picard get to the door, Picard pushes them away. He walks to the door with dignity on his own power.
  • Picard describing his ordeal to the counselor and admitting that he was almost about to give in.


Two rivalries, one between Jellico and the Cardassian captain, and one between Madred and Picard. In both the Cardassians start out on top, but get outmaneuvered by the humans. With regards to Madred and Picard, we get an utterly amazing performance by Picard once again. Madred also did an amazing job showing us just how much of a twisted man he was. I like how in the end, Madred only wanted to break Picard. He wasn't interested in getting any information from him. He just wanted to win the rivalry. All things considered, this episode features one of the most impressive displays of acting and character usage ever shown on Star Trek. It's also one of the most disturbing episodes ever shown on Star Trek. A truly memorable showing.