Star Trek: The Next Generation reviews — season 5

Star Trek: The Next Generation — 5x09 — A Matter of Time


The Enterprise plays host to a visitor from the future.

Remarkable scenes

  • Rasmussen's sudden appearance on the bridge.
  • Data attempting to weasel information about whether or not he's still alive in the 26th century out of Rasmussen.
  • Rasmussen to Geordi regarding his visor: "How do you like it?" Geordi: "It allows me to see. I like it just fine."
  • Beverly's response to being seduced by Rasmussen.
  • Picard asking Rasmussen to divulge the correct choice of action.
  • The Enterprise being a lightning rod...
  • Data: "I assume your handprint will open this door whether you're conscious or not.
  • Picard to Rasmussen: "Welcome to the 24th century."


A man from the 2100s encounters a time traveler, steals his ship, and travels to the 24th century where he attempts to steal technology then return. Assumedly for the purpose of profit. We can assume this guy was in this business in the early 2100s before Archer's Enterprise was launched. There would have been much more motivation back then. Besides the obvious logical problem of how a 26th century time traveler could lose his vessel to such a primitive human or why the 26th century time travlers didn't seek the return of their vessel, Picard argues himself into a hypocrite in this episode. Granted an impression is given that retracts his argument (after he makes his "choice"), the hypocrisy is still there. Rasmussen was trying to do exactly what Picard was trying to do when their positions were reversed. Funny how the whole perspective changes when Picard's suddenly in the more advanced timeline position.