Star Trek: The Next Generation reviews — season 5

Star Trek: The Next Generation — 5x08 — Unification, Part II


Spock plans to reunify Romulans and Vulcans.

Remarkable scenes

  • Picard's meeting with Spock.
  • Spock mentioning his involvement in the formation of the Klingon / Federation peace treaty. A reference to Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country.
  • Data masterfully convincing the Klingons to give him access to their ship's resources.
  • Riker's conversation with the wife of the arms trader that Riker accidentally killed.
  • Data's conversation with Spock regarding their personal strives to be more human or vulcan respectively.
  • Worf having the wife of the arms trader that Riker accidentally killed play Klingon opera.
  • Riker confronting the fat Ferengi.
  • Sela's appearance.
  • Sela describing her evil plan: conquest of Vulcan.
  • Sela, in response to Spock's declaration of non cooperation: "I hate Vulcans. I hate the logic, I hate the arrogance--very well."
  • Picard, Data, and Spock altering Spock's "speech".
  • Data using the Vulcan neck pinch.
  • Spock's mind meld with Picard.


Oh my god. Sela you idiot! You lock Data, Spock, and Picard in your office, complete with a holographic generator and don't expect them to attempt an escape? You fool. Oh well, that's not unrealistic, just stupid. And Sela seemed pretty stupid to me. Twice she attempted to exact an indirect conquest on the Federation and twice she failed. For some reason, she's never seen again after this episode. Perhaps she was executed for her failures. It was interesting to create the character of Sela and effectively turn Yar into an enemy, but the character was just used poorly again and again. I am happy to see her go but saddened by the missed opportunity to develop her character. Sela could have been the driving force between peace with Romulans and the Federation. She is a union of a human and a Romulan. Her very existence is proof of peace. Yet she became a radical Romulan military fanatic. Indeed a missed opportunity. But much more than that. This episode attempted to be epic. I say attempted because it largely failed. While Spock's cameo majorly enhanced the episode, virtually nothing was accomplished. No peace is established nor the groundwork of that peace laid and we learn next to nothing about Romulus' and Vulcan's paralleling history. This episode, while a good two parter, was largely a disappointment because it could have done so much more. As a result we get two loose threads. We never find out what happens to either Sela OR Spock. How annoying.