Star Trek: The Next Generation reviews — season 5

Star Trek: The Next Generation — 5x05 — Disaster


Troi acts as captain after the Enterprise is damaged.

Remarkable scenes

  • O'Brien and Keiko arguing over names.
  • Beverly trying to convince Geordi to sing in her performance.
  • The chaos that ensued when the Enterprise was hit by the quantum filament.
  • Picard being stuck in a turbolift with three crying children...
  • Troi taking command.
  • Ro dumping phaser energy to power bridge terminals and O'Brien freaking out at her.
  • Data suggesting that Riker remove Data's head and take it with him...
  • O'Brien arguing with Ro about what to do.
  • Troi standing up to Ro.
  • Data's detached head guiding Riker.
  • Worf to Keiko: "Congratulations, you are fully dilated to ten centimeters. You may now give birth."
  • Worf to Keiko: "The computer simulation was not like this. That delivery was very orderly." Keiko: "Well I'm sorry!!"
  • Worf delivering Keiko's baby.
  • Troi insulting Riker's rank.


This episode is well conceived. I enjoy the way they wove Troi into the position of taking command. Two minor characters, O'Brien and Ro play important roles in the story, as well as Keiko. It was all very diverse and entertaining. It's also interesting to note that this episode takes place almost exactly nine months after TNG: Data's Day. It is logical why Keiko was having her baby now thusly. ;) A memorable and satisfying episode.