Star Trek: The Next Generation — 5x04 — Silicon Avatar
The crew risks all to communicate with an alien entity.
Remarkable scenes
- Riker seducing the colonist woman in the opening scene.
- The crystalline entity devouring Carmen.
- Dr. Marr's dismay that Picard will not outright kill the crystalline entity.
- Data indulging Marr's curiosity about her son.
- Dr. Marr murdering the entity.
- Dr. Marr: "It will never hurt anyone again..."
More Data hate at the beginning, which I was glad to see promptly disappear. While this episode is strong in its convictions and Dr. Marr's tragic character is acted nicely by Ellen Geer, I found this episode a bit distasteful. Just murdering the crystalline entity like that outright was just a sad waste of life. While I found the actions of everyone but Dr. Marr appropriate, it changes none of the consequences. To me this episode seemed short sighted, and I shared Picard's disgust in Dr. Marr in the end.