Star Trek: The Next Generation reviews — season 5

Star Trek: The Next Generation — 5x24 — The Next Phase


Geordi and Ro are pronounced dead after an accident.

Remarkable scenes

  • Ro, with regards to Riker's order to go to the Romulan ship without phasers: "This is not a bright idea."
  • It's nice to see Humans, Klingons, and Romulans working together in this episode.
  • Worf being concerned with giving the Romulans too much technology and Riker appeasing him.
  • Geordi: "Are you saying I'm some kind of blind ghost with cloths?"
  • Geordi trying to use his communicator to talk to Ro.
  • Worf and Data discussing the funeral plans.
  • Geordi and Ro figuring out why they're "phased".
  • Ro running through people's quarters.
  • Geordi and Ro trying get Data to expose them.
  • Geordi and Ro returning.


A fine episode and certainly fun to watch, but the bad science drops its score quite a bit in this one. When everything happening doesn't make any sense, it drops the fun quite a bit. Honestly, this would have been a much better episode if it were centrally about the Federation helping the Romulans and not about some secret phased cloaking device. Oh well.