Star Trek: The Next Generation reviews — season 5

Star Trek: The Next Generation — 5x23 — I, Borg


The Enterprise rescues a critically injured Borg.

Remarkable scenes

  • Picard's initial reaction to bringing a Borg on board.
  • Picard conspiring to eliminate the entire Borg Collective.
  • Picard, on the Borg: "They declared war on our way of life."
  • Picard fencing with Guinan.
  • Geordi talking with the Borg.
  • Geordi having second thoughts about the plan.
  • Guinan changing her mind about Hugh.
  • Picard: "It's not a person damn it, it's a Borg!"
  • Picard's scene with Hugh.
  • The look in Hugh's eye as he transported when he returned to the Borg.


This episode is a fan favorite, though I found it all a bit naive. The opening logic of this episode ultimately prevails, the Borg must be destroyed. Can they be saved? Sure. But does it save more lives just to wipe them out? Yep. So do so. That's certainly the attitude most Borg episodes take. This episode is just far too high on its own morals. It makes sense to humanize a recovered Borg if you intend to keep it on the ship, like in the case of Picard, or later on Voyager with Seven of Nine, but to humanize Hugh then return him to the Collective? Idiotic. I would have explained to Hugh the benefit of the invasive program and asked him to sacrifice himself. Because "the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few."