Star Trek: The Next Generation reviews — season 5

Star Trek: The Next Generation — 5x20 — Cost of Living


Lwaxana introduces Alexander to her wild lifestyle.

Remarkable scenes

  • The Enterprise saving Tessen III from an asteroid.
  • Worf and Alexander negociating their problems with the counselor.
  • Lwaxana's appearance.
  • Worf's spiteful greeting to Lwaxana.
  • Lwaxana calling Worf "Wolf".
  • Picard: "I will not have that woman continuing to use this ship for her convenience simply because her daughter is one of my officers."
  • Picard: "Nothing would please me more than to give away Mrs. Troi."
  • Lwaxana and Alexander on the holodeck.
  • Worf smashing the clown ball.
  • The replicator givng Lwaxana strangs sausages with her Tea.
  • The scene is when Deanna, Worf, Alexander, Lwaxana, Campio and his assistant all encounter one another. They all have their own purpose for being there and no one reacts on anyone else's statements.
  • Worf: "You're just supposed to sit here?" regarding the mudbath.


I would have liked to have known who the Enterprise was saving in the beginning. Anyway, Lwaxana's to be husband so nicely contrasts her personality. He's uptight and stuck on protocol and order. She's care free. It goes well also with the Worf vs Alexander conflict. The ending was appropriate. Lwaxana's lateness and nudity ultimately proves that the two could never be together. They're too unlike to relate to one another. Ultimately this episode serves little purpose but to develop the characters, which it does well. The B plot with the strange metal eating parasites was rushed and IMHO obtrusive, so I largely ignore it. An average episode.