Star Trek: The Next Generation reviews — season 5

Star Trek: The Next Generation — 5x02 — Darmok


Picard deals with an alien who speaks in metaphors.

Remarkable scenes

  • The discussion of the Tamarians in the opening scene. A species which WANTS relations with the Federation, but communications could not be established. Excellent idea!
  • The Tamarians and their unique language.
  • Picard's confrontation with the Tamarian captain. He throws down the dagger rather than enter (supposed) combat, while his first officer risks combat with the Tamarian ship.
  • The campfire scene with the Tamarian captain and and Picard on the planet.
  • Troi and Data attempting to decipher the Tamarian language.
  • Picard refusing to fight the Tamarian captain, not realizing it was an alliance he sought.
  • Picard cracking the Tamarian language.
  • Picard screaming "No!" when the Enterprise attempts to beam him up, away from the battle.
  • Data and Troi cracking the Tamarian language and explaining it to Riker.
  • Picard attempting to speak to the injured Tamarian captain using his language.
  • Picard discovering why the Tamarian captain brought him to the planet to fight alongside.
  • Picard telling the story of Gilgamesh.
  • The Tamarian captain's death.
  • Picard speaking the Tamarian language with the first officer of the Tamarian ship.


The most underrated episode in Star Trek history. We have two plot threads. First, Picard refuses to fight the Tamarian captain and vigorously attempts to understand his language. Second, Riker's attempts to rescue Picard at all costs and using violence if necessary. These two different approaches taken by Picard and Riker contrast each other beautifully. And ultimately it is Picard's cracking of the Tamarian language which saves the day. Regarding that, I absolutely love the way Data sums up this language barrier. They know the grammar of the Tamarian language, but not the vocabulary. Speaking in metaphors and saying only proper nouns holds no meaning to a listener who doesn't understand the reference. But in time, as Picard demonstrated, the language could be deciphered. A properly educated linguist and historian could adequately communicate with the Tamarians. I felt thoroughly bad for the Tamarian captain in the end. What a great man, who makes a truly noble sacrifice in the hopes to establish friendship with the Federation. To sum it up, this is an extremely intelligently written episode and one of the finest examples of what Star Trek really is all about.