Star Trek: The Next Generation reviews — season 5

Star Trek: The Next Generation — 5x11 — Hero Worship


A troubled young boy starts to emulate Data.

Remarkable scenes

  • The special effects for the damaged Vico were well done.
  • Data fastbuilding the sculpture.
  • Timothy emulating Data's head movements.
  • Data subtly convincing Timothy to slip out of his android fantasy.
  • Picard, Troi, and Data confronting Timothy.
  • Data ordering Picard to drop the shields. I love the look on Picard's face as he struggles to decide whether or not to trust Data.


A fine episode, albeit dull. It suffers from TNG attention deficit disorder; like many TNG eps, the guest character featured here is never seen again, and quickly forgotten making the whole episode inconsequential. As a stand alone episode it is successful, but frankly good television creates continuity and this episode simply doesn't. My rating is as such thusly.