Star Trek: The Next Generation reviews — season 5

Star Trek: The Next Generation — 5x10 — New Ground


Worf receives a visit from his son Alexander.

Remarkable scenes

  • Geordi's enthusiasm coupled with Data and Worf's sterile reactions.
  • Worf's adoptive mother making a case to Worf to take back Alexander.
  • Ms. Kyle interrupting Worf. Then Dr. Crusher interrupting Worf.
  • Troi coercing Worf into getting more involved with the school.
  • Worf's reaction to Alexander stealing.
  • Worf's discussion about honor with Alexander.
  • Worf discussing the incident with Troi.
  • The test ship exploding.
  • Worf silently proud of his son for defeating his training program.
  • Troi carefully trying to convince Worf to embrace his son instead of send him away again.
  • Worf and Riker attempting to save Alexander.
  • Worf lifting the beam by himself.


I found the plot regarding Worf and his son vastly more interesting than the soliton wave. Mostly because the soliton wave involved quite a bit of bad science and just seemed a ridiculous concept. Yeah, warp without warp drive. Very cool. But I could tell the whole idea would flop from the beginning. Conversely, Worf's son's issues were interesting. Seems history is repeating itself and Alexander will grow up without a real family and end up being another truly unique Klingon. I like the way the two problems of the story are woven together in the end. It makes Worf's rescue attempt so much more vigorous and exciting to watch. An overall decent and memorable episode.