Star Trek: The Next Generation reviews — season 5

Star Trek: The Next Generation — 5x01 — Redemption, Part II


A civil war threatens the Klingon empire.

Remarkable scenes

  • Kurn's trick causing a stellar flare to destroy his opponents.
  • Riker accepting (temporary!) command of a ship!
  • Data requesting command of a ship.
  • Kurn celebrating the war.
  • Data took command of a Nebula class starship. :)
  • O'Brien as tactical officer! Woot!
  • Gowron meeting the challenge to his authority and swiftly defeating it.
  • I love how Guinan's race has something of a sixth sense, to see events across the timelines.
  • Sela's story about what happened to the second Yar from TNG: Yesterday's Enterprise.
  • The Duras sisters seducing Worf.
  • Data (angrily?) yelling at his first officer.
  • Data ignoring the Enterprise's orders.
  • Data briefly revealing the Romulan fleet and forcing them to turn back.
  • Data chastising himself for disobeying orders.
  • Gowron giving the son of Duras' life to Worf and Worf sparing him.


While I found the prejudice against Data a little absurd, I enjoyed the explanation of why Sela more or less was Tasha. Connecting this episode with TNG: Yesterday's Enterprise is genius continuity. I love it. I also love hearing what happened to the second Yar from the alternate timeline. Finally, the way this episode ties Federation, Klingon, And Romulan politics together is just beautiful. An excellent showing.