Star Trek: The Next Generation reviews — season 4

Star Trek: The Next Generation — 4x07 — Reunion


Picard mediates a Klingon power struggle.

Remarkable scenes

  • The sight of the Vor'cha class attack cruiser. A beautiful new ship. Love the closeups.
  • Worf: "Captain, I must request permission to send another officer." Picard: "May I know your reason?" Worf: "My dishonor among Klingons may offend Ambassador K'Ehleyr." Picard: "Lieutenant, you are a member of this crew and you will not go into hiding whenever a Klingon vessel uncloaks." Worf: "I withdraw my request, sir."
  • K'Ehleyr, to Worf: "Not even a bite on the cheek for old times sake?" Worf: "Perhaps you are not aware of my dishonor. I have accepted discommendation." K'Ehleyr: "I've heard. So now what, do I have to perform some ridiculous ritual to talk to you?"
  • I love K'mpec's faith in Picard's ability as a mediator.
  • I also love how K'mpec continues to drink the poisonous wine with dignity even though he knows it will just kill him faster.
  • K'Ehleyr pressing Worf for answers regarding his discommendation.
  • Gowron's first scene. I love that man's eyes!
  • Worf restraining himself from taking the oath with K'Ehleyr out of fear for Alexander, even though he really wanted to.
  • Gowron bribing K'Ehleyr. Though just about every scene with Gowron was remarkable. God I love that character.
  • K'Ehleyr digging through the records to discover the truth about Worf's discommendation.
  • Duras' aide's simple but effective method of distracting the guard...
  • Duras confronting K'Ehleyr.
  • K'Ehleyr uncovering Duras' plot.
  • Beverly simultaneously and independently uncovering duras' plot.
  • K'Ehleyr's death.
  • Worf throws his communicator on his table and it falls to the ground...
  • Worf's fight with Duras.
  • Worf killing Duras. I was so surprised nobody stopped him!


This episode is very much about life and death. Two K'mpec, K'Ehleyr, and Duras all die, and Alexander and Gowron are introduced, both of which are characters we're sure to see again. It's interesting to watch how Worf's discommendation initially keeps him out of the loop on Klingon matters but slowly his integral connection to these people leads him to a direct conflict. The scene where Worf murders Duras is easily one of the most powerful scenes TNG has shown us so far and well earned. An absolutely fantastic episode.