Star Trek: The Next Generation reviews — season 4

Star Trek: The Next Generation — 4x05 — Remember Me


Dr. Crusher is trapped in a world created by her own mind.

Remarkable scenes

  • Geordi freaking out at Wesley regarding his experiment.
  • Beverly to O'Brien: "Was he invisible? Did I carry on a conversation with thin air?"
  • People starting to disappear.
  • Beverly griping about her missing staff and the bridge crew not understanding what she's talking about.
  • Data justifying all the empty space on the space to Beverly.
  • Beverly describing the missing crew to Picard.
  • Picard trying to justify no crew to Beverly.
  • Beverly confusing the computer when everyone disappeared but her.
  • Beverly: "If there's nothing wrong with me, maybe there's something wrong with the universe!" Such a wonderfully audacious statement.
  • Beverly asking the computer what the nature of the universe is and the computer responding with a prompt and definite but confusing answer.
  • The computer attributing the explosive decompression to "a flaw in the ship's design." Sure, I guess. If you built your ship too large for the universe, that would be a flaw in the design!
  • Beverly's return.


Static warp bubble? Excuse me? Now there's some incredibly absurd technobabble for you... This is one of the better Dr. Crusher episodes, except that it is plagued by technobabble and inconsistencies. The idea behind the episode itself is great, and fun in its execution. I enjoyed seeing Picard and Data justifying the immense size of the ship against an ever diminishing crew. It's also nice to see the Traveler back with Wesley. A loose thread picked up (but not wrapped up until later). I just wish the writers would have spent more time coming up with less absurd technobabble.