Star Trek: The Next Generation reviews — season 4

Star Trek: The Next Generation — 4x25 — In Theory


Data pursues romance with a crew member.

Remarkable scenes

  • Data reminding Jenna, as asked, why she broke up with Jeff.
  • Data, Jenna, Keiko, and O'Brien joking around.
  • Jenna: "I wish we were back there right now, you and I." Data: "The unidirectional nature of the time continuum makes that an unlikely possibility."
  • Data analyzing the molecular compound of the drink Guinan offered.
  • Data: "I require advice." Guinan: "Don't look at me." Data looks away! Haha
  • Geordi returning Spot to Data.
  • Data talking to Troi about pursuing a relationship with Jenna.
  • Worf: "Klingons do not pursue relationships. They conquer that which they desire."
  • Riker advising Data to jump right into the relationship.
  • Picard to Data: "I would be delighted to offer any advice I can on understanding women. When I have some, I'll let you know."
  • Data's androidal view of his relationship with Jenna.
  • Worf: "I am puzzled, sir." Picard: "So am I, Mr. Worf." Worf: "The only detectable bio electric residuals are your own. You did not--" Picard: "No. I did not... Well. Perhaps we have a poltergeist?" Worf: "Sir?" Picard: "A mischievous spirit." Worf: "Sir." Picard: "Perhaps not."
  • Data attempting to be warm and loving to Jenna.
  • Data picking a fight with his girlfriend.
  • Jenna: "What were you just thinking?" Data: "In that particular moment, I was reconfiguring the warp field parameters, analyzing the collective works of Charles Dickens, calculating the maximum pressure I can safely apply to your lips, considering a new food supplement for Spot..." Jenna: "I'm glad I was in there somewhere."
  • Picard piloting the shuttle, guiding the ship out the nebula.


An entertaining, if a bit ridiculous Data episode. Data just tried too hard to emulate the behaviors associated with love. Furthermore I'm a bit dismayed at how the death of a crewmember in this episode is seemingly casually brushed aside. Nobody seemed really all that broken up about it. Just another dead redshirt. Not that this episode wasn't entertaining, because it really was. There's just a bit of room for improvement.