Star Trek: The Next Generation reviews — season 4

Star Trek: The Next Generation — 4x24 — The Mind's Eye


Romulan mind control transforms Geordi into a killer.

Remarkable scenes

  • Geordi talking to the computer in the shuttle.
  • Geordi freaking out when he sees the Romulan warbird.
  • Picard insisting that Worf not be ignored despite his discommendation.
  • Taibak taking over Geordi's vision.
  • Kell expressing gratitude to Worf for killing Duras.
  • The holographic scene where Geordi kills the holographic O'Brien. I love the whole indifference to killing thing.
  • Troi laying into Geordi about the details of his Risa trip.
  • The Klingon and Picard cursing at each other in Klingon.
  • Geordi intentionally spilling his drink on O'Brien.
  • Geordi investigating himself. Obviously not having a conscious memory of his crime.
  • Kell giving Geordi Romulan orders.
  • Data discovering the mind control technique.
  • Data using the computer to uncover evidence of what really happened to Geordi.
  • Geordi's scene with Troi at the end.


I'm quite fond of this episode. The way they directed the sudden appearance of the Romulan warbird was great. Off the top of my head, they only ever use this technique one more time, with the appearance of a Borg ship through the window of a shuttle in a Voyager episode. My affinity for the opening scene aside, this episode just struck the "correct" tone with me. It has good contintuity with previous episodes once again regarding Worf's discommendation, it begins a new plot thread involving Sela, a Romulan Tasha Yar lookalike which gets picked up later, and it's a nicely done believable Romulan plot story, which is completely in character all the way around.