Star Trek: The Next Generation reviews — season 4

Star Trek: The Next Generation — 4x22 — Half a Life


Lwaxana fights to stop her lover from ritual suicide.

Remarkable scenes

  • Troi: "Counselor Deanna Troi personal log stardate 44805.3: My mother is on board."
  • Picard carefully trying to avoid Lwaxana but utterly failing at it.
  • Lwaxana's armorous advances on Timicin.
  • Lwaxana calling Troi "Mr. Wolf" and Worf working hard to restrain himself.
  • Timicin regarding Lwaxana as "vibrant". Yes, I'll agree to that.
  • The Enterprise accidentally blowing up a star.
  • The revelation that Timicin will soon die.
  • Lwaxana's initial outrage to Picard about Timicin's ritual suicide obligations.
  • Lwaxana's outburst in the transporter room.
  • O'Brien "gracefully" exiting and locking out the transporter just before he left.
  • Lwaxana debating the morality of the ritual suicide with Timicin.
  • Timicin realizing Lwaxana is right and asking for asylum.
  • Timicin, Dara, and Lwaxana meeting each other.
  • Lwaxana in doubt of her strong moral convictions against the ritual suicide.
  • Lwaxana joining Timicin to observe his resolution.


Lwaxana's character, for once, didn't annoy me in the slightest. In fact, she stole the show. Her speeches on the morality of euthanasia were extraordinary and invoke powerful emotions. Furthermore, Timicin and Lwaxana had excellent chemistry while together. So what's right here? Is it right to prolong old people's lives even when they become invalids and become nothing but a drain on society? Is it right to purge such people? I'm not qualified to answer such a question, but this episode explores it well.